Finally, after years of work-related cancellations and botched logistics, I make it to the BMW 2002 Mid America event. It is held each year in picturesque Eureka Springs, Arkansas, and has been happening for 19 years! Several good friends over the years including founder Bo Black, chief instigator Mike Pugh, and writer Mike Self, have attempted to get me there, and I have tried. In this case, a combination of business and personal landed me within striking distance, with the car. We would not be denied again.

Doing hours of interstate with the car made me nervous, but it was flawless in the engine department. However, between the lack of upholstery and the wind noise, it is fatiguing. It was happy to jump onto route 23 and enjoy the twisty Ozark mountain roads. The event was a blast and is covered in the main blog.
The event involves a few drives on spectacular roads, and we enjoyed good weather for the most part. The suspension at the rear needs some sorting out, so the sport springs may go on after all. There are a few more things on the todo list, but overall the car performed well. And as a bonus, I won a set of door cards !