The bike came with the low seat option. Like the rest of the bike, it was in almost as new condition, which is in keeping with the lows 3800 miles on the bike. However, the main mechanism for developing a low seat at BMW is to trim the foam and to therefore reduce the padding. Everyones pusteria is a little different, and apparently, mine needs a little more padding than the previous owner. I did try it for several hours and produced the same squirming result after a short while. With some funding from eBay sales, I began to shop around for aftermarket seats, and went to the usual suspects. Sargent, Seat Concepts, Russell day long, etc. After the initial shock of prices, I remembered that a prior are 1200RT had the stock seat and I found it to be completely fine. A little searching for a stock height seat produced a new one at roughly half the price of any of the aftermarket options. Sold.
I am still able to flat foot the bike, so it did not make an extensive difference in height, but the difference in comfort is immediately evident. It also feels like a more natural position on the bike, rather than the “down in the bike” sensation of the low seat. Job done.

You can see that from the underside, both seats are new…