The bus has a number of issues with the body, but compared to most 30 year old VWs, they are relatively minor. Dings, dents, and scratches. The worst is a rust hole in the driver foot wells area, but it is not the usual area around the accelerator pedal, but behind your heels. It is strange because the rest of the undercarriage is in very good shape with minimal corrosion, much less deep rust. Besides that, the roof is sun-burned down to metal in places, and there are a number of scratches. The right rear has a deeper dent on the corner below the belt line. The two-tone blue paint is not bad, but I have never really like two-tone on the Vanagon body. It was natural and brilliant on the splitties, very good on the Bay windows in certain combinations, but seems contrived on the Vanagon. IMHO.
Back to the body. There are some deep scratches on the right front and in a few other areas. The remainder are minor scratches and paint chips on door edges. Easily remedied and then ready for paint.