When you need to take a break from the regular Holidays and escape to an environment populated by like-minded inmates of the asylum, the Rocking Chair Motors annual gathering and drive would be a good stop. Our host, Tom, is a man of many vehicles. A first year Goldwing, a Lotus Europa, a Mini Cooper S, a Fiat Spider, until recently a BMW 2002. There are more, but you get the picture. And the rest of the crew ? The collective stable would include a Porsche 912, a Saab 96, a vintage Triumph Bonneville, a few MGBs, a Bugeye Sprite, more than a few vintage BMW R bikes, a Porsche 993, a Mercedes 190 Cosworth, a few more BMW 2002s, a Norton, a Ferrari 412, a Stanley Steamer, a Volvo PV44, a modern era Porsche 911, a vintage Alfa Romeo Berlina, a couple of BMW GS bikes, and more.

The event is further enhanced by the presence of “Special Lube”, which is a concoction of one of the inmates. Each year, the lube is transported from its’ micro-distillery in a black 911SC which helps with “agitation” and aging. It is rumored to have been discovered when some egg nog was mistakenly poured into an old can of Castrol 20/50. That is incorrect, it was actually Castrol Bean Oil. Nevertheless, it is just the thing for drivers of cars with suspect heating systems. If your idea of giving is to provide the gift of laughter, comraderie, gag gifts, and special lube, this is the gathering for you.