As the break-in miles tick by, there are more items that become worthy of attention. I mounted the luggage racks and the Wolfman soft bags to join the tail bag. Everything got a good shakedown on a run to get some miles and sample some dirt. It is pretty easy to put it in off-road mode even while riding. However, the ABS also needs to be changed to off-road mode or you will retain the linked brakes !! I have no idea why one setting could not tackle both, but there you have it. The good news is that once in off-road mode, the machine allows rear wheel spin and traction slippage that felt pretty natural.

The fuel warning at 1 gallon to go is pretty obnoxious and you cannot miss the yellow triangle, flashing fuel gage, and full screen warning all going at once ! In defense of KTM, this machine has mileage around 39mpg if you ride like a nut (I did a little bit of this), and 55mpg if you cruise the highway at reasonable speeds. The chain slack was excessive, so I made a slight adjustment there after about 200 miles. I also took advantage of the space inside the left rack to mount a fuel bottle carrier thinking that it would be good for tools and tire repair kit.