Right before animals in the wild go into hibernation, there is a heightened period of activity for preparation. There is a flurry of gathering of nuts, and collecting of items needed to make it through the long winter nap. This preparation is essential to surviving the winter, and must be approached with a sense of purpose and determination. It must also take advantage of any leeway that Mother Nature may offer via an Indian summer, or a mild day as winter prepares its’ onslaught. And so it was that there was a gathering of nuts today, as temperatures hovered a full 10 degrees above freezing, and fine machines needed to get the fluids circulating perhaps for the last time this season.

The usual suspects descended upon the unsuspecting folks of an otherwise peaceful hamlet, and invaded their Eating hall. There was much recounting of halcyon days, tales of daring, epic battles, heroic conquests, and even some truth thrown in for good measure. The Earl of Bruce provided a fermented concoction brought back by the people of Nog when they returned from failing to conquer Jamaica. Only a few Noggins made it back, but they managed to capture something called Rum Creme, which they incorporated as an improvement over regular Egg Nog. However, their inability to hold their liquor was legendary, and Nog civilization was soon destroyed. But I digress….
Once they had their fill, they took their leave of the hall to the great delight of the fine people of the hamlet. Mothers clutched their children and averted their eyes (ok, that might have been due to one of the invaders smelling like burned castrol with a faint bouquet of carbon monoxide, but still..). Elders wished they were going off to battle with them. Outside stood their mighty steeds.

Alfa Romeo Berlina
Porsche 911T Targa
Ferrari 400i
Porsche 911 SC
BMW 2002 tii
Porsche 911 SC Targa
Mercedes SL Kompressor
And they roared off into the distance, ensuring that butterflies and jets were operable over their entire range, and that suspension components were supple and responsive. They made a great and mighty sound throughout the countryside, and may have startled a few poor Lexuses on their way to brunch. By and by, they paused at the estate of the Van Sants, who provide stables and winter lodging for strange flying machines. Before the Van Sants could be insulted by a random remark from young Arthur, they fled into the countryside and continued in spirited fashion for hours more.

Miracles were witnessed as the Alfa started twice, and the MGB once. Some continued to more eating and drinking. Some went to adorn their caves with decorations of the season. Some went to tend to their steeds. Regardless, they now feared no hibernation, for their parts were well lubricated. In the words of the ancient philosopher, Rustophiles, “Tis a better beast that emerges in the spring, that was flogged in the fall”.