For a group of early car guys, things came together relatively late in the process. The discussion about a covered bridge ride for the early 911 contingent had continued for some time spearheaded by John Kolesa. This was on the heels of an earlier breakfast ride. I tuned in barely a day before the planned ride and found that the format seemed perfect. Gather at 6:30am, go for a ride, end up at a diner, get home with much of the day still available. I indicated that I would be there.

The day had a perfect forecast, and things were cool in the early morning hours. The air-cooled cars like the cooler air, so the run to the starting point felt great. At the gathering point, only a few cars were present. We waited for others to arrive. In the end we were 5 cars. 3 Targas and 2 Coupes. Time to saddle up. One of the reasons that this ride worked, was that it started 20 minutes away, even though most of the guys came up from around Philly. The first part of the ride meandered through roads I was familiar with and over (through?) covered bridges I was familiar with as well. After a short while, I volunteered to bring up the rear since the Targa puffs a little smoke. Not enough to notice, unless you are following mile after mile.
Things got a little spirited here and there, but in general the group stayed sub-light-speed. We travelled some nice roads, some marginal roads, and even an unpaved road (!) in northern bucks county. I was once again reminded of how competent these cars are today, and how blazingly fast they must have been in the early 1970s. Even the T with its stock 2.2 and zeniths could sprint about and lay waste to some modern challengers. All while making glorious noise. However, at 40 years old, the cars remind you that they must be attended to in order to keep delivering the goods. I have a valve cover gasket to replace, and that short shift kit installed by a previous owner needs to be jettisoned.

The stock setup will return. On the way to the start, I filled up and the filler cover cable broke. 40 years, $7 to replace. Not bad, not bad at all.
Everyone made it to the destination without mishap. A good solid breakfast is said to be the right start to the day. Vintage cars and Diners seems like the breakfast of champions.